Chicken house artificial fill light precautions

Nowadays, many people have begun to choose the industry of raising chickens in poultry farming equipment. There are also many skills and things to pay attention to during the breeding process. Light is also a very important thing for chickens in terms of growth and development. Sometimes natural lighting is just not enough. You need to make artificial light. What are the precautions about artificial light?

1, Make a plan for lighting every week, and pay for it on time, and you must not quit halfway.

2, During the breeding period, the daily light time should be kept constant or gradually reduced, and should not be increased. However, the daily light time should not be less than 6 hours.

3, During the laying period, the daily light time should be kept constant or gradually increased. Do not reduce it, but the daily light time should not exceed 17 hours.

4, In the laying period, must pay attention to the increase in light time should be gradual, can not suddenly increase a lot, otherwise it is easy to cause chicken rectal and other diseases.

5. Do not arbitrarily change the color of light and the time of illumination, otherwise it will cause production to stop. Generally, red or white light is used, and the result is improved in both egg production and egg quality, and can prevent or reduce the occurrence of cockroaches such as cockroaches, ankles, and cockroaches. At the same time, it can also receive good results in terms of chicken growth and feed consumption.

6, The light intensity should be uniform. And the light should be gradually bright or dark, otherwise it will cause shock reaction, sudden turn off the lights or shorten the light time too fast will cause moulting, malformed eggs, and even stop production and other adverse consequences.