Broiler chicken cage drinking water, density grouping

When broiler rearing equipment is used to raise chickens, the newborn chicks are given water immediately after being placed in the brooding cage. In order to speed up the recovery, an appropriate amount of glucose and multivitamin B can be added to the drinking water, and after 6 hours, it is changed into clean water. Water cannot be broken during the whole brooding period. The tower drinker can be used in the first few days, and other forms of drinking fountains are used at 1 week of age, the height of which is adjusted with the age of the chicken.

The chicks start eating 3 hours after the start of the drink. They can spread rough paper or plastic cloth on the bottom net, and then sprinkle some scrap to feed the chicks. This feeding method was used for the first 2 days and was later fed in a cage outside the tank. Each chick must have a trough of 2.5 cm before 6 weeks of age to allow it to eat ad libitum.

The activity area in the chicken cage is limited, and the stocking density must be appropriate. If the density is too large, it will affect the growth and development of the chicks, and it is prone to convulsions, so the density will be continuously adjusted as the chicks grow older.

For the strong and weak chicks that appear, they should be grouped frequently, and the weak chicks should be kept in the upper cage.

When using chicken in a broiler battery cages, keep the j equipment clean and hygienic. The trough and drinking fountain should be brushed and disinfected frequently. The bottom net and the dung board and the whole cage should be dismantled regularly for thorough disinfection.