Before raising chickens in modern poultry layer cages, what farmers should know

Up to now, the use of modern poultry layer cages to raise chickens has become an international trend, and some farmers have gradually changed the way of raising chickens and used automatic chicken raising equipment to raise chickens. So before using layer cages to raise chickens, what farmers  should know?

Understand the breeding density of layer cages. Chicken cages are raised in multiple layers. This also means that in the same area of the chicken house, the use of chicken coop-like peaceful free-range breeding can increase the number of rearing a lot. Reasonably use the area of the chicken coop to increase the density of chickens, first of all, increase the economic benefits for the farmers from the number of breeding.

The use of chicken cages to raise chickens can reduce the cost of hiring labor: Although the number of chickens raised in chicken cages is larger, the manpower required will not increase or even decrease compared to free-range and peaceful rearing, because the chickens are all raised in In the cage, it is convenient for the farmers to feed and manage them, and it is more convenient to observe the situation of the chickens in each group of chicken cages, and with several chicken breeding equipment, one person can take care of 10,000 chickens.


Choosing high-quality chicken fry: The first choice for high-efficiency chickens is to choose the right chickens. The benefits of chickens are good or bad. In addition to choosing good broiler cages and careful breeding, the choice of automated broiler chicken cages and broiler chicks is also very important. Importantly, the quality of chicks can determine the quality of adult chickens, which directly affects the benefits.


Do better work to prevent diseases: use layer battery cages to raise chickens with a relatively high density and a large number of breeding, and layer chicken cages, farmers must do a good job in time to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases and affect the health of layers , Losing the cost and economic benefits of farmers.