Automatic chicken equipment construction instructions

Modern human chickens began to choose to use fully automatic chicken farm equipment to raise chickens. It is more convenient to liberate labor, and the efficiency of raising chickens will be higher.

What are the main points about building chicken equipment?

1, The first is the feeding equipment. The main use of the trough, the cage chickens use a long trough, the shape of the trough has a great impact on the spread of chicken feed, the trough is too shallow, no protection will cause more feed waste. Many farmers use overlapping or step-by-step breeding cages. The laying hens are basically caged. If you raise chickens on a large scale, you should pay attention to clearing the dung. The general chicken farms use artificial periodic clearing of manure, and the scale is relatively high. The chicken farm uses mechanical cleaning.

2, followed by ventilation problems, the closed house needs to use mechanical ventilation, according to the flow direction of the airflow in the house, can be divided into two types: horizontal ventilation and vertical ventilation. Lateral ventilation means that the direction of airflow in the house is perpendicular to the long axis of the house. Longitudinal ventilation refers to the way in which a large number of fans are concentrated in one place, so that the airflow in the house is parallel to the long axis of the house.


The advantages of fully automatic equipment for raising chicken

1, The use of chicken equipment to raise chickens can reduce the entry and exit of people, avoid the pollution of foreign pathogens, reduce the probability of infection, accurately feed the feed, have a small footprint, save land, intensively, and have good economic benefits.

2, suitable for all types of chicken houses, saving feed, long service life, reducing manpower and easy management.