Automatic broiler cage chicken management points

The fully automated poultry farming equipment is representative of various industries, and the chicken industry has also seen fully automatic equipment in recent years. Many large chicken farms have begun to use broiler cages to breed broilers, which can reduce the labor intensity of farmers, and can also increase economic benefits, so that farmers can see the advantages brought by automation. However, the automatic broiler cage farming does not mean that the farmers are not responsible for anything. Scientific and reasonable feeding management, combined with automatic equipment, can produce high-efficiency broilers. Here are a few of the management points for using chickens in fully automatic broiler cages.

1. Disinfection: Before breeding broilers, the most important thing is that the farmers should disinfect the houses and equipment. It is best to disinfect five days before entering the site to avoid corrosive disinfectant such as caustic soda to prevent equipment damage. When disinfecting, close the doors and windows, and then open the window after 24 hours. After the chickens enter the house, pay attention to the hygiene of the house.

2. Temperature: The use of fully automatic broiler cage culture, the temperature of each layer of chickens in the multi-layer culture is different. On the first day of the broiler entering the house, the temperature is controlled at 33-34 °C. But also pay attention to the status of the flock, if there is discomfort, it should be adjusted in time. In the first week, the temperature dropped to 30 ° C and then decreased by 2 ° C per week thereafter. Multi-layer culture has a high density, which is 1~2 °C lower than the flattening temperature, and should avoid causing heat stress and lead to a decrease in feed intake.

3. Ventilation: Ventilation in the house is very important and can affect the success or failure of farming. Reasonable ventilation can discharge harmful gases from the house, especially in multi-layer farming, so ventilation is more important. The flocks can be ventilated for 24 hours after entering the farm. As the age of the chickens increases, the ventilation should be adjusted in a timely manner. The chicken house is required to have no odor and no glare, to create a good growth space for the chickens, to enhance the body’s disease resistance and reduce the occurrence of diseases.

4. Equipment use: Chicken farms have advanced automated equipment, and can not breed chickens. The key is the organic combination of any equipment. Farmers should be skilled in operating the equipment, carefully study the operation methods of the equipment, and the feeding management procedures of the chickens at various stages, and can promptly discover and repair equipment failures. Once the equipment is used improperly or the equipment fails, it will cause huge economic losses.

5. Illumination: Farmers use fully automatic broiler cages to breed chickens for illumination, all using artificial lighting to facilitate control of lighting time. Generally, 24 hours of light is used in the first seven days before the broiler enters the house. After that, the farmers can gradually reduce to 22 hours, in order to breed the chickens to get used to the dark environment, and the chickens will not be stressed due to power outages. At the same time, farmers should pay attention to the increase of the illumination time to 24 hours in the week before the chickens are released.

The above five points are the management points of the author’s use of fully automatic broiler cages to breed broilers. I hope to bring some help to the farmers. It is necessary to purchase a lot of equipment to use chickens in fully automatic broiler cages.