Analysis on the reasons of low laying rate of laying hens

Nowadays, most farmers use chicken battery cages to raise layer chickens, because they can be managed more centrally and create more economic benefits. However, during the breeding process, there will be a problem of low egg production rate. Here are some problems that can lead to low egg production rate.

Feed factors. The quality of feed has a greater impact on the performance of laying hens. At that time, when the nutrients in the feed were lacking or insufficient, it would lead to inadequate nutrition of the laying hens, which would not only hinder the growth and development, but also reduce the production performance. In addition, problems with feed quality, mildew or contamination, will make the palatability of the feed worse, resulting in a decline in the feed intake of the laying hens, and in severe cases, it will cause poisoning, which will reduce the egg production.

Feeding management factors. Whether the feeding management is in place has an important effect on the laying performance of laying hens. Improper feeding during the breeding process will result in poor physique and poor uniformity of the laying hens, making the start of laying time irregular, the peak period of laying comes later, the duration is short, and some even do not lay eggs. Peak period. During the rearing period of laying hens, if the illumination is unreasonable, the illumination time and intensity are not well controlled, and the illumination time and intensity are different when supplementing the illumination, the sexual maturity will be advanced or delayed, and the laying time will be too early or delayed. Low rate, short peak period, uneven egg size and other issues.

Chicken house environment. Temperature can directly affect the feed intake and nutrient intake of the layer. If the temperature is too high, the feed intake of the layer will decrease, and the nutrient intake will be insufficient. If the temperature is too low, the feed is used to maintain body temperature. Consumption increases, if the feeding amount and the nutritional level of the diet are not adjusted in time, the nutrition of the laying hens will be insufficient, and the laying will also be affected. When the humidity in the chicken house is too low, the amount of dust will increase, and the laying hens are susceptible to respiratory diseases. If the humidity is too high, the feed is prone to mildew, and it can also cause a large number of pathogenic microorganisms to multiply, which increases the probability of disease in the laying hens, and has a serious negative impact on the growth and development and laying performance of the laying hens.

The above are the reasons for the low egg production rate of laying hens to be shared. Farmers can also buy automatic breeding equipment, which can automatically feed and automatically clean manure, etc. Using them are more conducive to improving breeding efficiency. If necessary, you can contact the chicken cage manufacturer, we will provide good service