About additives in chicken feed

Antioxidants, in the process of feed storage, the addition of antioxidants can reduce the oxidation loss of vitamins, fats and other nutrients. Antibiotics have antibacterial effects. Some antibiotics can be used as additives to inhibit the activity of harmful bacteria in the intestinal tract of chickens. Resistant to multiple respiratory and digestive diseases, improve feed utilization, promote weight gain and egg production, especially when the chicken is in adversity. When using antibiotic additives, it is necessary to pay attention to the alternate action of several antibiotics, so as to avoid the resistance of harmful microorganisms in the intestinal tract of the chicken and reduce the control effect. In order to avoid drug resistance and product residue is too high, should be used at intervals, and strictly control the amount of addition, use less or with caution the antibiotics shared by humans and animals.

The egg yolk coloring agent, after adding the egg yolk coloring agent to the feed, can improve the egg yellow color, and even feeding for half a month, can maintain the dark yellow color of the egg yolk for two months, and can also increase the appetite of the chicken and increase the egg production rate for chicken in poultry cages for sale.

Anti-fungal agent, in the process of feed storage, in order to prevent the mold from mildew and deterioration, maintain good palatability and nutritional value, add anti-mold agent to the feed.