Time-saving and labor-saving mechanized chicken farming

The mechanized chicken farming mode uses mechanized operations in the main links of chicken raising. In addition to feeding, clean dung, ventilation, etc, it can also collect eggs from layer farms, and use mechanized and automated equipment for catching chickens in broiler farms.

Master the tips of chicken house disinfection for cleaning chicken living standard.

The use of mechanized chicken equipment to raise chickens can automatically perform work instead of labor. This can save farmers the use of labor costs and reduce the cost of labor for farmers. The use of automated equipment is more convenient for mechanized operation. It can improve labor productivity to a large extent and greatly reduce labor costs.

At this stage, it has clearly demonstrated its superiority in improving the level of livestock and poultry breeding. At the same time, labor costs are getting higher and higher, and the employment of layer. In the difficult context, in order to improve the breeding level of farmers, we should advocate mechanized of farming.