Establishment of disinfection system for layer chicken cages

1. Environmental disinfection The environment around the chicken house is disinfected with 2 writes of caustic soda solution or 10%-20% lime milk every 2-3 weeks. Around the chicken farm, septic tanks, polluted ponds, disinfected once a month with 2% caustic soda or bleaching powder. poultry farming equipment manufacturers believe that wastes such as garbage, weeds, and feces should be removed in time and shipped out of the field for harmless treatment. There should be a disinfection tank at the exit of the chicken farm and at the entrance of the chicken house. The length of the disinfection tank is two weeks for entering and leaving the vehicle wheel. The disinfectant in the pool can be replaced with 2%-4% caustic soda solution and replaced once every 2-3 days. In the cold winter season, salt and antifreeze may be added or the straw and sacks soaked in the disinfectant solution may be laid on the ground. Large-scale chicken farms should be equipped with spray disinfection equipment.

2. Personnel disinfection workers should replace work clothes and work shoes in the production area and disinfect them by ultraviolet radiation. In and out of the house should be disinfected by stepping on the disinfectant.

3. Utensils and vehicles disinfection troughs and sinks should be cleaned and disinfected once every 2-3 weeks. In the summer high season, the water tips should be cleaned once a week, and then disinfected with 0.1% Xinjieer solution. Vehicles transporting feed and eggs should be disinfected once every 1-2 weeks. Vehicles transporting manure should be thoroughly rinsed and disinfected 1-2 times a week with 2%-4% caustic soda solution.

4. If the chicken house is disinfected into the chicken or the empty house before the group, the manure, feed, dust, etc. should be thoroughly cleaned first. All the movable equipment should be moved out of the house and thoroughly cleaned. The floor and poultry battery cages of the chicken house were washed with a high-pressure water gun, sprayed with 0.1% neo-gel or 0.2% peracetic acid, and then fumigated with formaldehyde and potassium permanganate for 24-48 hours, then ventilated to remove residual odor.

5. Drinking water and disinfection. The drinking water of chickens should meet the pollution-free production standards. In order to prevent the drinking water from being contaminated by bacteria and viruses, non-toxic, odorless and non-irritating disinfectants can be used for regular disinfection of drinking water. At present, the commonly used drinking water disinfection drugs are mainly scratch preparations and iodine preparations.

6. Disinfect the chicken. Disinfection with chicken can kill pathogenic microorganisms in the environment and chicken body, reduce dust inside the house, inhibit the production of ammonia, keep the air clean, and have the effect of heatstroke prevention and cooling in the summer high temperature season. The age of the first chicken disinfection shall not be less than 10 days, and it shall be determined according to the health condition of the chicken. The common chicks are once a week, bred chicken 7-10 days, and chickens are 2-3 weeks. Disinfection with chicken must avoid vaccination, that is, stop the chicken disinfection within 3 days before and after vaccination.