How to build a chicken farm in summer?

1. Selection of chicken farm sites

1) It is best to deviate from the living area of the farmed chicken, but there is a road around which the vehicle can pass smoothly. This kind of place is the best.
2) The farm site should be dry and the drainage should be good.
3) The most basic power and water source should be fully equipped.

2. Selection of chicken breeds
The selection of chicken varieties is determined according to the regional environment at the breeding site and the needs of the market. In general, the selection of chicken varieties generally requires selection of strong adaptability, strong disease resistance, resistance to rough feeding and tender meat, local breeders or local chickens account for more than 75 percent of hybrid chicken breeds. Of course, it is best to choose chicken breeds that are cultivated by regular units. Don’t choose some bad chicken breeds for small profits.

3. Infrastructure needed to raise chickens
In general, chicken farms of ordinary size must have chicken battery cages, drinking water equipment, feeding equipment and cleaning equipment. However, if the size of the chicken farm is large, it is recommended that the farmer should be able to choose some mechanized equipment. Although the cost is high, the resources saved in the later period and the improvement of efficiency are beneficial.

4. Problems in raising chicken feeding management

1) The density of raising chickens should be reasonable. Each laying hen should have enough troughs and drinkers. Do not increase the density of the chickens in order to increase the number of chickens. The feeding management of laying hens is mostly fed by chain feeders, which should be fed regularly every day, and attention should be paid to supplementing nutrients during the rise of laying eggs.

2) Pay attention to the impact of the sudden arrival of bad weather on the flock. Regardless of the type of chicken being farmed, the farmer should always pay attention to the changes in the weather when managing the house, so as to take timely measures of heat preservation or cooling, and prevent the relative humidity and harmful gas concentration in the house from exceeding the specified index. To keep the production of the flock stable.

3) Reduce egg contamination and pay attention to avoid egg breakage. The environment of the house should be as stable as possible. The closed house should be turned on and off on time to keep the daily light sufficient, and the ventilation and temperature should be adjusted according to the seasons.