Pay attention to the heatstroke prevention of chicken farms in summer

The hot weather in summer frequently hits, and the heat has more and more adverse effects on the normal production of chicken farms. The feed intake of broilers decreases, the growth rate increases slowly, and the egg production rate decreases. Therefore, in the summer, special attention should be paid to the heatstroke prevention and cooling of chicken farms. This is not only to reduce the economic losses of chicken farms, but also to create opportunities for themselves when the supply is tight, and to win the future.

Equipment cooling

1. Fan (exhaust fan, wall fan, floor fan): Install the fan to keep the chicken house ventilated and blow away the heat and harmful gases of the chicken.

2. Wet curtain fan: In the window type or closed type chicken house, the wet curtain longitudinal ventilation cooling system is the most effective one for cooling effect. The most common way to install the wet curtain is to install the wet curtain on the chicken. At one end of the house, the exhaust fan is installed at the other end of the house.

Advantages: The ventilation and heat dissipation effect is obvious, and the operation is simple, and the worker only needs to start and start the switch.

Disadvantages: Maintenance is not easy to damage, power failure or malfunction. The temperature is not uniform, the air inlet is cool, the end is hot, and the air humidity is high, which is not conducive to the epidemic prevention of the chicken house.

Master the tips of chicken house disinfection for cleaning chicken living standard.

Cooling with water

1. Spray humidification: use a high-pressure sprayer to spray the cool water that has just been pumped from the well with a very fine water particle to increase the humidity of the surrounding environment to achieve the purpose of cooling and humidifying.

2. Sprinkle cold water on the ground: Sprinkle some cold water on the ground of the chicken house to increase evaporation and heat dissipation. However, it is required to open the doors and windows at the same time to increase convection ventilation. Otherwise, the humidity in the house will also increase the adverse effect of high temperature.

3. Sprinkle water on the roof of the chicken house: pump the underground cold water to the roof of the chicken house. The water is sprayed from the hole or the nozzle on the roof or the front and rear windows of the chicken house. It does not affect the humidity in the chicken house and the chicken battery cages. The area is more suitable.

4. Backwater in the house: Use a thin plastic hose, hovering under the roof or on the roof, externally circulating water, the water continues to flow slowly, and it is a good method to waste water in water-deficient areas.

Advantages: obvious cooling effect, no mechanical drive, no noise interference, reducing flock stress.

Disadvantages: water spray needs to be used with the fan, waste water resources, and the air humidity is high, which is not conducive to the prevention of chicken house.