Essentials Tips for Chicken House Disinfection

Disinfection of the chicken house is to disinfect all the items in the chicken house with chicken and disinfectant with spray disinfectant. The general procedures and methods are:
Clean up
Chicken manure, feathers, filth litter, roof cobwebs, and dust on the ground, walls, and articles in the chicken house should be thoroughly cleaned as much as possible; for some items that are optional, the house should be cleared.
2. Washing
The purpose of washing is to flush out the dirt left in the house to improve the disinfection effect. The irrigated sewage should be discharged to the distance through sewers or underdrains and cannot be placed around the house.

Master the tips of chicken house disinfection for cleaning chicken living standard.

3. Dispensing
Tap water or boiled water should be used to prepare the disinfectant solution, and hard water should not be used. For drugs that are not easily dissolved, they should be thoroughly stirred to fully dissolve them; during the preparation process, if the temperature of the water is raised and controlled at about 30 °C, the dissolution of the drug can be accelerated and the disinfection effect can be enhanced. The prepared liquid has poor stability and should not be stored for a long time. Generally, it should be used within 12 hours.