Issues to be noted in spring poultry farming

Prevent all kinds of stress

1. Anti-cold stress

When the temperature of the house is low, it is necessary to increase the proportion of energy feed and increase the feeding amount. Generally, l-2 days before the cold wave, each chicken will increase the feed by 10-20 grams per day. For every 3 °C decrease in temperature, the chicken should be fed more. Gram feed. In addition, the chicken can be fed with anti-cold stress drugs on the day before the sudden drop in temperature, and can be used for 3 days, 400-500 kg/bottle. In addition, this program can effectively prevent and control the yang damage caused by poultry in the wind, such as moulting, expanding the shed, using wet curtains and blowing fans.

2. Anti-immune stress

Before vaccination, check whether the flock is healthy. The unhygienic or weak chicken flock should be used with caution; 2 days before and 2 days after vaccination, let the chicken take anti-stress drugs to improve the resistance of the chicken. Reduce stress response. If the chicken has respiratory symptoms or diarrhea after using the vaccine, use Jin Bian – for the respiratory system to solve the problem of convulsions.

3. Anti-shock group

(1) Keep the interior and exterior of the house and the surrounding environment quiet.

(2) Keepers are relatively stable, fixed overalls and work procedures, and the movements are gentle. It is strictly forbidden for people to enter the house.

(3) Prevent dogs, cats, rats and other animals from entering the house.

(4) Feed processing, loading and unloading should be kept away from the house.

(5) Adding 1000g of large supplements per ton of compound feed can prevent and reduce stress.

Prevent disease

1. Establish reasonable epidemic prevention procedures according to the situation of infectious diseases in the region and their actual conditions, and carry out regular epidemic prevention.

2. Add large supplements to the feed every four weeks or so, and use it for 3-5 days to enhance the disease resistance of the chicken.

3. Add a certain amount of recovery source + Jin Bian in drinking water, prevent and control cold, bird flu (air stagnation, peritonitis, bronchial embolism) and adenomy gastritis. At the same time, we must carefully observe the flocks, detect, isolate, diagnose and treat sick chickens early, and properly handle sick and dead chickens.

With the development of automated poultry farming equipment, it is now easier for farmers to make independent chickens. Automated poultry farming equipment has been able to achieve: automatic feeding, drinking water, defecation, quail eggs, centralized management, automatic control, energy saving. Not only increase the efficiency of poultry farming, but also save labor and reduce the rate of breaking eggs.