What do you need to pay attention to during the growth of chicks

In the growth process of chicks, the following aspects need to be paid attention to:

  1. Feeding and drinking: the chicks should be fed within 16 to 28 hours after the shell, and should be fed to drinking water before eating. When starting to eat, it is necessary to feed good palatability and comprehensive nutrition feed, so as to feed less frequently to induce chicks to eat. The chicks in the shell 15 should be fed 5 to 6 times a day, and at the same time, clean drinking water should be continuously supplied, and vitamins and antibiotics can be added to the water appropriately. The earlier the start of feeding, the greater the feed intake within 1 week.
  2. Insulation: The temperature in the first week of spring brooding is generally controlled at 35~36 ° C, and then reduced by 2~3 ° C every week to about 21 ° C.
  3. Management: Good early management can reduce mortality and reduce the proportion of stunted chickens. The early age of 0 to 5 weeks is extremely critical, and two aspects of weight and temperature need to be paid attention to.
  4. Feed and nutrition: Provide suitable feed and adequate nutrition to ensure the growth and development of chicks. According to the age, weight and growth rate of chicks, adjust the type of feed and nutrient composition.
  5. Environmental cleanliness and epidemic prevention: Keep the breeding environment clean and hygienic, regular disinfection, to prevent bacteria and parasites infection. At the same time, vaccination and disease monitoring should be carried out in accordance with the epidemic prevention requirements of the farm.
  6. Observation and monitoring: Regularly observe the spirit, appetite, feathers, excretion and other conditions of chicks, and deal with abnormalities in time. The growth rate and feed intake of chicks were monitored, and the feeding management measures were adjusted.
  7. Light and ventilation: Set the time and intensity of light reasonably to promote the growth and development of chicks. At the same time, ensure that the ventilation of the breeding house is good and maintain appropriate air quality.
  8. Disease prevention and treatment: strengthen the prevention and monitoring of diseases, and check the health status of chicks regularly. Diseased chickens should be isolated and treated in time to prevent the spread of the disease.
    In summary, in the growth process of chicks, it is necessary to pay attention to feeding, insulation, management, feed and nutrition, environmental cleanliness and epidemic prevention, observation and monitoring, light and ventilation, disease prevention and treatment, etc., to ensure the healthy growth of chicks.

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